

Your Narrative Is A You-Problem
and how to live with it successfully

In a society where it is easy to blame others for individual failures, it is important that everybody raises awareness of their own guilt. Not to punish yourself. Simply to recognize that it is not someone else's fault, if you are not successful. There is etiquette, there are social rules, and there is hierarchy. Once you understand the game of life (or the system), you will experience many new open doors. God has prepared a beautiful place for all of us to live. What we make of it, is free will in action: You choose, and you bear all consequences of your choices.

Here are some tips to avoid being disappointed on social media during heated times: Each and every one of us is in a position to decide what we want to share with others and what not. If someone asks questions that are too private, we can always say that we do not wish to answer such intimate questions....

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